The ManagePeople web service example uses Spring Framework, Apache CXF, Swagger UI, and embedded Jetty. Integrating Swagger is a matter of adding configuration bean ( swaggerConfig ), one additional JAX-RS service ( apiListingResourceJson ) and two JAX-RS providers (resourceListingProvider and apiDeclarationProvider ). The example is liberally adapted from the following public domain information: Swagger: Make Developers Love Working With Your REST API
In order to get rid of any possible hard-coded configuration, all parameters are passed through named properties (SERVER_PORT, SERVER_HOST, and CONTEXT_PATH). Swagger exposes additional REST endpoint to provide API documentation, in our case, it is accessible at http://localhost:8080/rest/api/api-docs. It is used by Swagger UI which itself is embedded into final JAR archive and served by Jetty as a static web resource.
The final piece of the puzzle is to embed Jetty container which glues all those parts together and is encapsulated into the Starter class:
The main intent is not to focus on the implementation so much but on understanding how to add API Open Specification reference documentation to the code itself.
See also